Java Development Engineer


Job Responsibilities:

  1. Accurately understand business needs and complete the development and design of back-end functions;
  2. Analyze, optimize and reconstruct the performance of the existing system to improve the performance and stability of the system;
  3. Write technical documents and participate in code review to ensure the continuous improvement of code quality and team technical level.

Job Requirements:

  1. Bachelor degree or above in computer science or related majors, more than 3 years of relevant work experience in Java research and development;
  2. Have a solid foundation in Java programming, be familiar with common design patterns, have good coding practices, and be good at reconstructing code;
  3. In-depth understanding of Java web development, familiar with mainstream frameworks such as Spring, SpringBoot, MyBatis, etc.;
  4. Have a certain understanding of frameworks or middleware such as cache, message queue, RPC, etc.;
  5. Familiar with MySQL database, basic database tuning experience, familiar with mainstream NoSQL databases;
  6. Passionate about technology, with continuous learning and self-driven ability;
  7. Have good team spirit and communication skills, be able to work under pressure, and ensure the progress and quality of the project.

Please contact us

  • Office

    Xiamen Logwing Network Technology Co., Ltd. / LOGWING

  • Tel

    0086 + 592-5980939

  • Email

  • Address

    17Floor, Ganghang Building, No 29 Donggang North Road, Huli District, Xiamen, China

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